De Tick a Stat

2024: Implicit Association Test. Now you can include implicit association test inside your experiment.

2024: Voice transcription feature for open questions.

2024: New choice model; Best Worst Choice.

2024: Adding new provider for video platform with more privacy and options.

2023: Adding Q Methodology.

2023: Adding Experimental vignette methodology. As a researcher you can now execute your experimental vignetter survey.

2023: We incorporate hybrid surveys. In this way we take advantage of the power of the online survey with the versatility of the face-to-face survey, the pollsters They will no longer have to look for the respondents since the platform will provide the user, always keeping it with someone to interview and having the possibility of having the survey that has already been carried out online if necessary.

2022: We continue to incorporate and enrich our widget so that there are more and more possibilities of Get user information. In addition, we improve them so that the interface is more and more friendly.

2022: The first survey is carried out in a virtual reality environment.

2021: In tickStat a report of the care provided is incorporated by the user when carrying out the survey. This report is provided to researchers and marketing firms so that they can further analyze detail the result provided by users. These metrics have been obtained from the statistical analysis with the methods provided in scientific literature. but we still have a more ambitious goal, use machine learning technique to detect in real time the care provided by the respondent and if necessary expel him from the survey. This action is configurable on the platform itself.

2020: Our platform is already mature enough to continue to collaborate with researchers. This year we propose to make the leap to the Artificial Intelligence techniques and their possible uses in the experiments of our fellow researchers. Another of the objectives that we set ourselves is to collaborate more closely with researchers to jointly carry out papers.

2019: During 2019 we have continued to carry out discrete choice experiments (conjoint), but our main focus and effort has been on the experiments in game theory that we have carried out for a large research center. The client has been more than satisfied.

01/09/2018: TickStat sponsors the 2018 AERNA CONFERENCE-WORKSHOP. AERNA is a non-profit scientific association founded in Madrid on May 24, 2002 by Spanish and Portuguese researchers working in the field of Economics of natural and environmental resources. Congress poster

01/08/2018: During 2019 we have continued to carry out discrete choice experiments (conjoint), but our main focus and effort has been on the experiments in game theory that we have carried out for a large research center. The client has been more than satisfied.

01/07/2018: TickStat encourages the creation of a scientific panel with research objectives. To the users of This panel will only reach projects from researchers currently linked to TickStat.


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